Sunday, December 27, 2009

Writer's Block?? Pfft! I laugh at you! Ha ha ha!

So the past week has been dead in terms of my writing. Sure, I could blame the holidays. Well, okay, I DO blame the holidays. Still, there's another, more intimidating reason for the backlog I now face: the BLOCK!

I've sat around and mulled over the "climax" that was coming - trying to work out the transition, deciding what to reveal and how soon, wondering which characters would come into play and how, debating the pros and cons of this setting over that one, considering the pacing of different possibilities as well.



Anyway, today I got sick of sitting around and not getting anything productive done on my book. So I sat down with a notebook and pen (still my preferred medium over the keyboard), and talked to myself:

- Okay, so what happens next?
- I don't know. You tell me.
- Well, you're at the climax.
- Yeah, but WHICH climax?? I've thought of too many to choose from.
- Whichever one you want.
- Yeah, that doesn't help me at all. - I don't KNOW which one I want.
- Okay, well what are the things you definitely need to happen?
- I need [lots of stuff that would spoil the ending if I dished it all here].
- Alright, good. Now what are the things you want to happen, if possible?
- [More stuff that may or may not make it to the finished product]... Hey, maybe this could happen: [insert new outline notes].

Bada bing, bada boom! Block is gone! Yay me :D Now where are my fireworks, dang it??

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