Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to make a year fly

We all have those moments where you just sit back and wonder "where the time went". "This week has flown by," we say. Or, "Is it that time already?"

But I've never been amazed by the rush of a year. Until now.

Was it really a year ago that I detailed my goals for 2010? Is it already time to make new goals for '11? All I can say is...wow! What a rush!!

Okay, so this time last year, I had four goals. Let's see how I did:

1. Finish my novel - semi-check (first draft is done, edits are...meh)
2. Write a book for my sister-in-law - again, semi-check (I used the idea for my screenplay which is 2/3 finished)
3. Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing - check, definitely:)
4. Write lyrics - eh, no check...at all.

Not bad, I think. The certificate kicked my butt harder than I expected, so the semi-checks are totally fine with me:)

So, new goals, people!

In 2011, I will:
1. Finish my screenplay, Lagi (see number 2 above),
2. Finish my screenplay, Not as Nations (a collaboration project),
3. Complete an editing internship (already accepted!), and
4. Find and complete new editing projects to fund my writing habit.

Totally do-able, right? I'm so excited about my current projects! Now let's see how fast we can make 2011 fly by!

Happy New Year:)


Liana said...

Congrats on finishing your Cert IV! I'm wrapping up the Diploma at the moment, having done the Cert IV last year.

2011 looks really exciting for you! Look at all the stuff you'll be working on. *phew*

Rebekah D. Hay said...

Okay, I'm really not that bad at responding to comments. Or keeping my blog up-to-date. Really...


Thanks for the Congrats. I really loved doing the Cert IV, but that's probably just 'cause I'm a writing junkie;) I'm sure you know what I mean, but you kinda have to be a bit crazy to enjoy doing this stuff, right?

Liana said...

I know I'm crazy, if that verifies. :)