Sunday, December 27, 2009
Writer's Block?? Pfft! I laugh at you! Ha ha ha!
I've sat around and mulled over the "climax" that was coming - trying to work out the transition, deciding what to reveal and how soon, wondering which characters would come into play and how, debating the pros and cons of this setting over that one, considering the pacing of different possibilities as well.
Anyway, today I got sick of sitting around and not getting anything productive done on my book. So I sat down with a notebook and pen (still my preferred medium over the keyboard), and talked to myself:
- Okay, so what happens next?
- I don't know. You tell me.
- Well, you're at the climax.
- Yeah, but WHICH climax?? I've thought of too many to choose from.
- Whichever one you want.
- Yeah, that doesn't help me at all. - I don't KNOW which one I want.
- Okay, well what are the things you definitely need to happen?
- I need [lots of stuff that would spoil the ending if I dished it all here].
- Alright, good. Now what are the things you want to happen, if possible?
- [More stuff that may or may not make it to the finished product]... Hey, maybe this could happen: [insert new outline notes].
Bada bing, bada boom! Block is gone! Yay me :D Now where are my fireworks, dang it??
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas? Now? I don't know what you're talking about...
Now for a novel update: I'm right around 63,000 words at the moment, and I'm heading into the climax. That seems just about right on target to me, especially since I have some things I need to add and tweak later on. While I'm not hitting my daily targets nearly as consistently as I did in November, the count seems to be climbing pretty steadily. So I should still be able to edit in February and then shop around to a few different agents in March. Fingers crossed that the story is actually, you know, good!
And now for some good news and shameless plugging. The quarterly mag in which my story is being published is available to purchase. It's only $3.50, and you can read my flash fiction (in the Winter 2009 edition) and shower me with your accolades. Or just ignore me if you hate it... Either way, I love you, too!! So I'll give you the link... go there and shop away. Enjoy!
Monday, November 30, 2009
I won!!!
So while I've still got plenty of writing left to do before I hit The End, the rush of this last month has been thrilling and exciting on a whole new level. I can't wait for next year!
Now for the acknowledgments...
I'd like to thank the Academy...
Er, no. Sorry:p I couldn't resist.
No, seriously, I do appreciate everyone who's been encouraging me. It really helped me get over my own anxieties of believing that I AM a writer, not just that I'm aspiring to be one. So thanks!
Here's to living life to it's fullest, getting everything we want in life, and slapping life around a little until it's forced into submission:)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Almost there!
I've decided that (obviously) I'll hit my 50k, and then I'll take December to add the extra content that I need before I can start revising. I was planning on revising in January (after taking a break from the book, stepping back and getting some fresh perspective), but depending on how long the extra 20k or 30k takes, it may be pushed back to February. Even still, that's not a bad effort in my opinion - 4 months (hopefully) to a drafted novel ready to shop around to agents/publishers.
Wow! That's crazy. A year after I decided to take the plunge and just be the writer already, I could be sending out my manuscript. Wish me luck:)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Yeah, I'm crying. So what?
I guess this is the downside of living vicariously through your characters...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Halfway, baby!
Hmm, I wonder if this justifies getting half of my reward early...
One of my stories is being published!
What an awesome feeling it is! Cam (my husband) asked how many readers the magazine reached and my response was basically, "Dude, they're paying me to publish my story. That's all the validation I need!"
I'd love nothing more than to dish the story here and now for all of you to enjoy, but of course, I can't do that. So, anyone interested should stroll their merry little fingers over to and have a look around the site. Obviously, you won't be able to buy the issue with my story in it yet, since it hasn't been published yet. But if I'm not mistaken, it will be identified as Vol. 11, Iss. 4 - Winter 2009 "Waiting for change always seems to take longer than you would expect."
So yeah, there you go. Woohoo! I'm so excited!
And I'm giddy. Which means I should stop now.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I've hit the 20k mark!
As for the writing itself, I'm definitely starting to understand what so many authors mean when they say things like, "I'm just the transcriptionist of the story that needs to be told," "You get to know and love your characters as you write," and "The characters tell me what happens next, not the other way around." Just today, my main character assaulted his best friend! And last night, I was quite literally in tears when he was having an emotional meltdown. (Even now, thinking about that scene makes me sad for him.)
So while I may not be a professional writer (yet!), I am certainly learning so much from the experience of getting into a story and developing it in a way that intrigues me. I value the time I have with these characters, and I hope that one day, many others will, too.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I just broke 10,000!
This experience is so amazing! For the first time in my life, I feel like I actually am the writer I've always wanted to be. What a fantastic feeling:)
The only frustration I have at the moment is that my last chapter has proven more wordy than I anticipated. Yes, that is a problem. Well, not so much that it's wordy, but just that I haven't been able to get the whole thing done. I think I'll spend a little time tomorrow (assuming I can scrounge a few minutes here and there) tweaking my outline to get it looking a little more polished.
Then again, maybe I need to just suck it up and write for a few hours until I get the longest chapter of my book finished...
Monday, November 2, 2009
This is turning out better than I expected!
And the best part is, I was really worried that because I have a really detailed outline, I'd end up writing the dry, "point A to point B" kinds of scenes/chapters. But I'm actually throwing in a lot more material than I put into the outline. So I've already got an extra character that will probably come into play later, and a whole other take on the book itself.
Woohoo! Yay:) Go team! Or...go me:)
I'm done.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Done outlining. Now I just have to write the book...
I've assigned myself one chapter for everyday of November, and broken each chapter into a few scenes. So getting to my word count should (ideally...hopefully) be a lot easier than if I were to just wing it. I've tried winging a book. And that book is still only half-way finished after about 8 months of time to work on it:(
I've also found some really good writing books that are helping me a ton in my planning. But at the end of the day, I can plan all I want, but it won't get the dang thing written...
So here goes NaNo. Wish me luck:)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Here's my NaNo commitment letter :)
NaNoWriMo 2009 Commitment Letter
These are my commitments to myself for NaNoWriMo 2009:
• I will write like there’s no tomorrow to tell as much of the story as I can today.
• I will not re-read anything that I’ve already milked for its word count.
• I will not be ashamed of using the long way of explaining things for the sake of the word count.
• Once I’ve hit my target word count, I will continue writing until the scene/chapter is done.
• I will write every day until the first draft of my book is finished.
• I will not spend time worrying over the right word.
• For the sake of my word count, I will not avoid too many uses of “he said”.
• I will go off on any tangent that I can bring back to my outline.
• When I think about writing, I will get my butt in the seat and do it.
• I will email my work to myself everyday to avoid the potentially fatal loss of data that computers occasionally cause.
• I will not allow myself to be distracted by Facebook, Farkle, Bejeweled, or any other unnecessary internet application.
• I will enjoy my writing experience.
• I will not put additional pressure on myself to do any better than I do.
• I will win NaNoWriMo 2009.
When I win NaNoWriMo 2009, I will reward myself with a full-body massage, an entire packet of Chocolate Scotch Fingers and a Milo.
I am capable of adhering to these commitments because I am talented and because my story needs to be written. I am the writer of my story.
Rebekah D. Hay
Friday, October 23, 2009
Plotting away...
I've also run into another interesting predicament. My story is moving to a very different genre (mystery/crime) than I originally expected (romance), and I've read very few mystery/crime books in the past. So while I know I want some high-impact events, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the possibilities. Ugh, I think I need to get to the library tomorrow...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Inspiration, anyone?
Sonnet 02: Time does not bring relief
Time does not bring relief; you all have lied
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,
And last year's leaves are smoke in every lane;
But last year's bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide
There are a hundred places where I fear
To go,— so with his memory they brim
And entering with relief some quiet place
Where never fell his foot or shone his face
I say, "There is no memory of him here!"
And so stand stricken, so remembering him!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So I guess I'll blog after all...
Also, I started writing my first novel in about February this year. And while it's kind of been sitting around stagnant for a few months, I've had a few ideas simmering away on that back burner for a while now. I'll probably get back into it once November's over. I think the biggest problem I'll have with it (as I've suspected from the start, even though that didn't change the plot at all...) is the fact that I'll definitely need to do some "on location" research. See, the majority of the book is set in L.A. And while I've been to LAX, I hardly believe that qualifies a person to write about the mass of chaos that is Hollywood. So...if and when I make it back home for a visit, I'll probably squeeze in a few extra days to hover around L.A. and try not to look like a tourist so I can get a bit of authentic material. Anybody wanna come along?? (BTW, that totally sounded like I have a clue of when I'll be able to do this research, but in actuality, I have no idea how soon I'll be able to make the trip.)
Anyway, here's to the start of whatever I can make of this passion of mine:)